AppStudio 9.1.1 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.1.1 has been released.

It has a number of fixes and enhancements, as well as a new Bootstrap 5 Spinner control.

Here’s the complete list of changes:

  1. Controls: New BS5 Spinner control
  2. Documentation: off line Wiki updated
  3. Project Explorer: Duplicate filename when adding a file starting with a non-alpha fixed.
  4. Project Properties: iOS properties updated to use same terms as VoltBuilder
  5. Runtime: new BuildCounter global
  6. Samples: new Spinner samples
  7. Libraries: various libs updated

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site .

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or

AppStudio 9.1.0 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.1.0 has been released.

We’ve made an important change to the Design Screen. We had been using IE11 to drive it: we are now using the latest version of Edge. This required rewriting a lot of code in our Design Screen module – but has the benefit that it now uses the latest developments in HTML and JavaScript.

This benefits frameworks like Bootstrap 5, which are no longer compatible with IE 11.

Here’s the complete list of changes:

1. AppStudio: Icon in top left corner now appears properly.
2. AppStudio: Save As now copies all the files in the project directory.
3. BS4, BS5: added *disabled* property to several controls
4. BS4, BS5: added *name* property to several controls.
5. BS4, BS5: Label: added blank *appearance* property for no styling
6. BS5: Dropdown: added *index* property.
7. BS5: Input-group: *button* has been added as an itemType: Buttons can be part of a group.
8. Design Screen: Now uses Edge instead of IE to render. Should fix some BS5 issues.
9. Docs: Add AI to your app using ChatGPT
10. Docs: Using SQLite updated for SQLite WASM
11. Docs: Wiki for ForEach updated.
12. Docs: Offline wiki updated.
13. Libraries: wxPython updated to 4.2.2
14. Native: don’t initialize SQLite WASM if Cordova plugin is being used.
15. Samples: ElectronWeather now shows how to do a custom icon in Electron.
16. Samples: New ChatGPT sample
17. Update Screen: Links to proper place in Wiki.

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site .

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or

AppStudio 9.0.7 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.0.7 has been released.

In this release, we’ve made lots of updates to libraries. Notably, Electron has been updated to the latest version – read below about a change you will need to make to your projects.

We’ve also updated some of the key technologies which AppStudio is built on. Python, wxPython and PyInstaller are now up to date. This has increased stability, resolved some long standing issues, and lays the groundwork for future improvements.

  1. ChatGPT: Now uses latest model: GPT-4o
  2. Samples: ElectronWeather (JavaScript) updated.
  3. Electron: Error reporting improved – check log the About screen to see messages in the log.
  4. Electron: Electron updated to 31.2, Electron-builder to 24.13.3
  5. Libraries: PyInstaller updated to 6.9
  6. Libraries: Python updated to 3.11
  7. Libraries: wxPython update to 4.2.1

If you are using Electron, make sure the following versions are set in package.json property (Project Properties, in the Electron section):

  "electron": "^31.2.0",
  "electron-builder": "^24.13.3",
  "npm": "^10.8.2"

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site .

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or

AppStudio 9.0.6 Released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.0.6 has been released.

The developer of the Bootstrap Slider never updated it for Bootstrap 5, so it did not work properly. Fortunately, Bootstrap itself now has its own Range control, which we are replacing Slider with in Bootstrap 5. If you’re using Slider in BS5, you’ll get a message asking you to replace it. If you’re using Slider in BS4, no worries: that is unaffected.

We also finished support for SQLImport and SQLExport. With this, we have completed the job of supporting SQLite WASM to replace native WebSQL (which was removed from Chrome).

  1. BS5: New Range control. Replaces BS5 Slider
  2. BS5: Slider control deprecated. Replaced by a placeholder.
  3. Samples: Northwind updated to use SQLite WASM
  4. SQLite WASM: SQLImport and SQLExport are now fully supported.
  5. SQLExport: Output is now sorted properly

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or

AppStudio 9.0.5 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.0.5 has been released. There are improvements to ChatGPT and SQLite support – check out the new SQLDump() command!

Support for Android 12 splashscreens has also been added.

  1. ChatGPT: Now uses gpt-3.5-turbo-0125. Can handle more data in and out.
  2. Samples: SQLSample1 has a new Lookup feature.
  3. Samples: SQLSample1 now saves to localStorage and clears database properly.
  4. Splashscreens: Support for Android 12 splashscreens added.
  5. Splashscreens: New splash background property.
  6. SQLite: Additional required files are now deployed.
  7. SQLite: Data saved to localStorage by default
  8. SQLite: Error reporting improved.
  9. SQLite: Headers for OPFS support added.
  10. SQLite: New SQLDump() command for the console.
  11. SQLite: Main() is not called until SQLite WASM finished loading
  12. SQLite: Warning appears if no SQLite library is installed when trying to open.
  13. SQLite: SQLite WASM no longer needs to be selected if using Cordova plugins
  14. SQLite WASM: Updated to 3.46

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or

AppStudio 9.0.4 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.0.4 has been released. There is a new Carousel control as well as fixes for SQLite. There is even a new sample showing how to use Google’s Gemini AI!

  1. BS5: new Carousel control
  2. BS5: Input.files now works properly
  3. BS5: Bootstrap 5 updated to 5.3.3
  4. Code Window: Selecting a item in the Functions panel now goes to that function.
  5. Docs: The offline docs have been updated to the latest version.
  6. SQLite: SqlOpenDatabase can now save to localStorage
  7. Libraries: SQLite WASM updated to 3.45.3
  8. Libraries: Shake library removed (no longer maintained by author)
  9. Samples: new Google Gemini AI sample
  10. Samples: new Carousel sample

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or

AppStudio 9.0.3 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.0.3 has been released.

It has a number of fixes and enhancements. Notably, it has improvements to ChatGPT: a newer engine and the ability to handle 4 times as much code in a question.

  1. BS4, BS5: Checkbox: inline property no longer adds a BR
  2. BS5: Textarea now supports .text and .value
  3. Build: Action scripts updated.
  4. Build: Upgraded signing certificates for Windows
  5. ChatGPT: Context size increase 4x. Larger code modules can be handled.
  6. ChatGPT: error messages improved.
  7. ChatGPT: Version updated to gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
  8. Electron: package-lockfile now added by default
  9. Libraries: multiple updated
  10. Samples: Unneeded voltbuilder folders deleted.
  11. Snackbar: Duration is now user controllable.
  12. Stripe: User’s name now used instead of defaulting to ‘Stripe’.
  13. Toolbox: SQL WASM description improved.
  14. VoltBuilder: do not include SQL WASM module when using – use Cordova plugin.
  15. VoltBuilder: Log file name now includes date and time of build.
  16. Voltbuilder: Missing download folder now handled properly.
  17. VoltBuilder: update trial messages

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or

AppStudio 9.0.1 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.0.1 has been released.

It resolves a few issues with 9.0 and updates a number of underlying libraries.

The update makes it easier to try out AppStudio 9 if you already have an older version installed. Give it a try!

  1. Demo: Users of older versions of AppStudio can now try AppStudio 9 for 10 days.
  2. Controls: BS5 Input uses size instead of font attributes for sizing.
  3. Controls: BS5 TextArea now shows headers and footers.
  4. Copyright: Updated to 2024
  5. Electron: Updated to version 28 (samples too)
  6. Installer: proper icon shows in the Windows toolbar
  7. Runtime: Navigo warning removed by using Version 7.1.2
  8. Samples: Compass sample now asks for permission from user (iOS)

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or

AppStudio 9 Licensing

We’re pleased to announce that AppStudio 9 has been released. It features improved VoltBuilder integration, Bootstrap 5, an AI Coding Assistant and more.

We’re taking this opportunity to revise and simplify our pricing. Here’s what’s changed:

  1. VoltBuilder Indy is now included with an AppStudio Essential subscription. You won’t need to pay for VoltBuilder separately.
  2. All pricing is now subscription based.
  3. If you currently have a subscription, you will be licensed for Version 9 automatically.
  4. If you have a one time license for an older version, your license will continue to be valid for that version.
  5. To get Version 9, you’ll need a subscription.
  6. The current $9.95 Upgrade rate for AppStudio Essential will increase to $15.00 (but remember, VoltBuilder Indy is now included)
  7. One time licenses (including for Classrooms) will be no longer be available.
  8. Existing users can use the AppStudio 9 for 10 days, as a demo.

This completes the transition to subscription billing which we started several years ago. For our users, it simplifies the options for getting AppStudio. For us, it provides a steady stream of revenue to fund new development, support, and all the subscription services we ourselves have to pay for.

Please email us at if you have any questions.

AppStudio 9.0.0 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.0.0 has been released.

Major New Features

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

Important! There are changes in how we license AppStudio 9. Please read this to understand how it affects you. Let email us at if you have questions.

Here are the changes in detail…



  1. AppStudio icon updated to a modern squared circle.
  2. Registration and validation now uses new backend stem.

Code Window

  1. New AI Coding Assistant icon added.
  2. Code formatting updated to use Prettier instead of jsBeautifier
  3. Switching between tabs is now faster.
  4. Format Code is now in sync with Check Syntax.
  5. Format Code now uses the latest JS best practices.
  6. Changed indent preference takes effect immediately.
  7. Using the Functions window to navigate code has been improved.
  8. eslintRules can be used to fine tune syntax checking.

Design Screen

  1. Stability of dragging controls improved.
  2. Avoid adding control to container it already is in.
  3. Fix underlining and reporting of syntax errors in code.
  4. Design Screen: Add warning for mixed frameworks (like BS4 and BS5 in same project)


  1. SQLite WASM added
  2. Bootstrap 5 controls added


  1. Change delays in startup to improve import of SQLite databases.
  2. SQLite error messages improved.
  3. Option to use SQLite WASM added to libraries.

Deploy Methods

Local Deploy

  1. Deploy: fix error on Windows local deploy when using Hebrew.

VoltBuilder and Cordova

  1. Cordova: remove option from Run menu.
  2. VoltBuilder: Rename “VoltBuilder and Cordova” to “Cordova”
  3. VoltBuilder: Remove “Cordova command” property.
  4. VoltBuilder: Add “Release” and “Platform” properties.
  5. VoltBuilder: properties renamed to be consistent with VoltBuilder docs.
  6. VoltBuilder: Use utf-8 encoding to handle extended characters in Arabic, Hebrew, etc.
  7. VoltBuilder: Improve handling of special characters in “description” property.
  8. VoltBuilder: Update “config.xml” property template for latest requirements.
  9. VoltBuilder Status: Works gracefully if job not submitted yet.


  1. Packages listed in package.json are now deployed with your project.
  2. isElectron set earlier in startup – fixes possible runtime error
  3. Updated to latest version.


  1. SQLite WASM added


  1. PhoneGap dropped – no longer in business.


Bootstrap 5 has been released. The developers continue to support Bootstrap 4 as well: both are supported by AppStudio.

Bootstrap 3 is no longer supported. We recommend converting to Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 5.

jQuery Mobile is no longer supported. While the controls still work, for the most part, they throw error messages in Chrome for using insecure libraries. We recommend converting to Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 5.

Bootstrap 5

  1. Complete new framework. Read about Bootstrap 5.

Bootstrap 4

  1. Select: name and required properties are now implemented.
  2. New themes: morph, quartz, vapor, yeti and zephyr.
  3. Toast – Add z-index property


  1. Forms: iScroll no longer used – use native scrolling instead.
  2. QRCode: setValue added to autocomplete in Code Window

Bootstrap 3 (Obsolete)

  1. Now marked as Obsolete in the Toolbox and Samples.

jQuery Mobile (Obsolete)

  1. Now marked as Obsolete in the Toolbox and Samples.


  1. BootStrap 5 samples added.
  2. SQLSample1, 2 and 3 updated to use SQLite WASM
  3. Add missing descriptions to some samples.
  4. Fix JS Northwind sample.
  5. HeaderBodyFooter: Add comment to app describing what it is for.
  6. Splitview: Add comment to app describing what it is for.
  7. PictureBox – fix image not showing
  8. StudentsLocalStorage – Add a message if record not found


  1. Windows installer now shows
  2. Windows Installer: use new icon


  1. jQuery updated to 3.7
  2. Python updated to 3.8.10.
  3. Node updated to 20
  4. Many, many internal libraries updated.
  5. PDFMake updated to fix unsafe-eval issue.

Breaking Changes

  1. Calling Cordova to build your project locally is no longer supported. Use VoltBuilder instead – it’s much easier and is mult-platform. (If you need to build locally, you can use the files in the VoltBuilder folder which is created on a deploy to VoltBuilder)