NS Basic/App Studio 1.1.3 Released!

NS Basic/App Studio 1.1.3 is ready to download. You can download it from the same URL as before.

There are some nice usability improvements this time.
– Compiles are much, much faster in many cases.
– You can add code files (.cod, .bas, .txt) to your project.
– Default form sizes for many popular devices can be specified.
– Message now appears when the cached version is being updated.


  1. Deploy: Incrementatal compile can cut build time dramatically. See below.
  2. Deploy: Cache status now displayed when updating. See below.
  3. Deploy: If app is updated, app is automatically restarted.
  4. IDE: Default form size added.
  5. IDE: Code Files added.
  6. IDE: Code Files Import/Export added.
  7. IDE: Form Import/Export added.
  8. IDE: Property Help text now displayed.
  9. Docs: Handbook and Language Reference updated.
  10. Installer: removed reference to folder that was not created.
  11. Runtime: fixed problems with rotation and control sizing.
  12. Samples: Geolocation now shows more information, updates itself.
  13. Samples: CacheEvents sample removed – obsolete.
  14. Samples: CreateDiv: shows how to create a control on the fly.
  15. Samples: Signature: Shows how to capture and display signatures and drawings.
  16. Translator: Case normalization for ‘timestamp’ and ‘form’ fixed.
  17. Translator: d = new Date() translates correctly.
  18. Translator: Dim names2(): ReDim names2(0,4) translates correctly.
  19. Translator: Naming conflict in String function fixed.

Documentation Changes for Version 1.1.3

  1. Incremental Compile: Only the code modules which have changed since the last compile will be recompiled.

  2. Caching: If there is a fresh copy of your app on the server, status messages will now be displayed as the files load. Once all the files are loaded, the app will restart automatically. This takes the guesswork out of knowing whether the new version of your app has loaded. Your program can continue to do processing as this is going on.

    To check if updating is going on, check if NSB_eCount>1.

    To override the standard handling of cache events, add this code to your program:

    	Sub oncache(e)
    	  'do what processing you need (or nothing)
    	End Sub
  3. Default Form Size: The IDE has a number of default form sizes built in. You can ignore these and enter your own height and width. If you know the size of a popular device you would like added to the list, send the info to us.