We’re pleased to announce AppStudio 6.0.4 is ready. New and improved stuff includes:
- Bootstrap: .resize, .Top, .Left, .Width, .Height added to all controls.
- Bootstrap: Dropdown select area drawn better in Design Screen.
- Bootstrap: Fliptoggle (Bootstrap) – new control.
- Bootstrap: Input now has .files property for inputType file.
- Bootstrap: Panel – allow HTML in fields
- Code Window: Commit code changes before translation.
- Code Window: Override toolbox default language when needed.
- Controls: Label select area drawn better in Design Screen.
- Controls: hidden property is now a style, not an attribute. Some hidden settings may need to be refreshed.
- IDE: Bootstrap Theme Customizer added to Tools menu.
- IDE: Open Project CSS added to the Project menu.
- iScroll: Zoom functions restored
- Project Properties: ‘styleheaders’ renamed ‘projectCSS’.
- jQM: Improvements to List styling.
- jQW: hidden and style attributes now work for all controls.
A couple of these are of special interest – watch for blog posts soon!
Download the latest version from ‘Check for Updates’ under then AppStudio Help menu. It is a free upgrade for AppStudio 6 users.