AppStudio 9.0.6 Released!

We’re pleased to announce that 9.0.6 has been released.

The developer of the Bootstrap Slider never updated it for Bootstrap 5, so it did not work properly. Fortunately, Bootstrap itself now has its own Range control, which we are replacing Slider with in Bootstrap 5. If you’re using Slider in BS5, you’ll get a message asking you to replace it. If you’re using Slider in BS4, no worries: that is unaffected.

We also finished support for SQLImport and SQLExport. With this, we have completed the job of supporting SQLite WASM to replace native WebSQL (which was removed from Chrome).

  1. BS5: New Range control. Replaces BS5 Slider
  2. BS5: Slider control deprecated. Replaced by a placeholder.
  3. Samples: Northwind updated to use SQLite WASM
  4. SQLite WASM: SQLImport and SQLExport are now fully supported.
  5. SQLExport: Output is now sorted properly

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

If you have any questions about the new release, ask on our forum or