NS Basic/App Studio 1.2.2 released!

NS Basic/App Studio 1.2.2 is ready to download. You can download it from the same URL as before.

There are a few nice new features:
– Syntax checking as you enter your code.
– Grids and Picturebox controls can scroll.
– New samples for Facebook and Sencha Touch.

Here is the complete list:

  1. Code Window: Syntax checking added.
  2. Controls: Grid can scroll.
  3. Controls: PictureBox can scroll.
  4. Samples: New FacebookAPI sample.
  5. Samples: New Sencha Touch sample.
  6. Code Window: Turn off undo when setting initial text.
  7. Controls: Grid new row height is now correct.
  8. Controls: Button had invalid default property.
  9. Deploy: Error message if remote server cannot be found.
  10. Deploy: Error message shows if login info is not correct.
  11. Deploy: Error message shows if remote folder cannot be created.
  12. Deploy: Progress message improved.
  13. Deploy: Thumbs.db file ignored if in upload folder.
  14. IDE: Bug when closing minimized IDE fixed.
  15. IDE: iPhone 4 Design Screen size corrected.
  16. IDE: Problem with positioning bottom of object above top fixed.
  17. IDE: Problem with save fixed.
  18. Language: For Each index, item in Data now supported.
  19. Language: ReadFile produces better error messages.
  20. Samples: GetData sample improved.
  21. Samples: HTMLview – added display a .htm file in HTMLview control.
  22. Samples: ReadFile sample improved.
  23. Samples: WebSocket sample improved.
  24. Translator: Execute() function now works.
  25. Translator: Exit Function now returns value.
  26. Translator: If e.keyCode = 13 Then Button1_onclick() fixed

Documentation Changes for Version 1.2.2

  1. The first time you compile under this release, it will take a bit longer. Afterwards, it will be as usual.
  2. Do a full deploy the first time you run on the new release.