NS Basic/App Studio 1.0.4 released

NS Basic/App Studio 1.0.4 is ready to download. You can download it from the same URL as before.

This update has both fixes and some new stuff. Here they are:

  1. Code Window: And and Or now properly highlighted.
  2. Code Window: InStr fixed.
  3. Docs: Handbook and Language Reference updated.
  4. IDE: Form has new function: submit(). See Docs below.
  5. IDE: Form has new property: URL. See Docs below.
  6. Samples: CacheEvents shows cache events.
  7. Samples: SendData shows how to send and receive data from a server
  8. Samples: SQL sample now works

The big news in this release is the new SendData sample. It shows how you can collect data on a form, send it to a server, and receive a reply from that server. It’s surprisingly simple. You can start digging into the sample right away: we will be publishing documentation explaining how it works as soon as we can.