We have just uploaded 2.6.0 to the servers. It adds camera support for iOS 6 devices, as well as other new features.
The download URL is the same as for 2.5.
- iOS6: Support added for Camera.
- iOS6: Support added for getting files from picture folder.
- iOS6: Cached file limit increased from 5 to 25 megs.
- Library: Retina library added. Allows higher quality images to be displayed.
- Samples: New RetinaHiRes sample.
- Samples: New Camera sample.
- Deploy: Local deploy to PhoneGap improved. See below.
- Deploy: Cordova updated to 2.0.0
- About Screen: now shows versions of installed modules.
- Language: SysInfo(2) and SysInfo(3) results improved.
Documentation Changes for Version 2.6.0
Camera Support added: The TextBox control has a new input type: File. If you select that, a Choose File button will appear in your app. If you click on that, you will get the option of taking a picture or choosing an existing picture from Photos. See the Camera sample for more.
Retina support added: This allows the display of Hi Res images on devices which support them. To use, add the Retina library to your project. Then, for each image you want to have displayed in Hi Res, add an additional image named xxx@2x.jpg to your project and in the manifest. See the RetinaHiRes sample for more.
Local deploy to PhoneGap improved. In Deploy Options, if you select “Deploy to local or DropBox public folder, you can specify the location of the www folder inside your PhoneGap SDK project. When you deploy, all the files your app needs will be copied to this folder.
iOS6: Changes to how SQLite and localStorage are used by iOS6. There have been important and significant changes. Read this blog post for more information.