One of the big features of AppStudio 3 is that it runs natively on Mac OS. It’s the complete product: every feature, field and screen in our Windows edition is present in Mac OS. It runs great.
Projects developed using AppStudio for Windows are completely compatible with the Mac OS version – nothing needs to be done to move to Mac. An AppStudio 3 license gives you both the Mac OS and Windows editions, so there is no need to buy an additional copy.
AppStudio is a complete, easy to use development environment which creates apps for iPhone and Android devices. Using BASIC or JavaScript as a programming language, users can quickly develop apps using the built in Visual Designer. Apps can be deployed to the web or to app stores using PhoneGap.
This isn’t the company’s first product for Apple devices. In 1993, it got its start with the release of the NS Basic for Newton, as well as NewtCard, a Hypercard like product.
AppStudio is used in teaching, government and enterprise, small business and by independent developers. Close to 20,000 developers in over 80 countries use NS Basic’s mobile development tools.
Requires Mac OS 10.7 (Snow Leopard) or later. (Mac OS 10.6 on 64 bit processors also works)