We’re happy to announce that AppStudio 4.2 has been released. It includes support for iOS 8, the iPhone 6, a new Signature control and more.
It’s available from the usual download location.
Here is the complete list of what is changed:
- Adsense: Updated for current API.
- Controls: Add zoom capability to scrollers.
- Controls: Facebook now uses HTTPS, updated for new API.
- Controls: jQuery Mobile updated to 1.4.4
- Controls: jQWidgets updated to 3.5
- Controls: New Signature Control
- Controls: Missing filter image added to jqxGrid.
- Documentation: Locale files and Wiki updated.
- Documentation: Unneeded Locale files removed.
- Deploy: Icon for Android home screen now appears.
- Deploy: New projects default to PhoneGap 3.5.0.
- IDE: Support for iPhone 6 screen size added (375×646)
- IDE: New Education license options
- IDE: Registered name now appears on About screen.
- iOS8: minimal-ui no longer supported.
- Runtime: Print output is scrollable again.
- Samples: New GridDynamic sample. Shows how to dynamically read SQLite database.
- Samples: New Signature sample.
- Samples: New TwitterURL sample.
- Samples: New WhatApp sample.
- Samples: Obsolete WebSocket samples removed.
- Samples: Update ListWithScrolling sample.
- Translator: Dim array with variable as one of the bounds gets treated properly as an array.
- Translations: Tagalog is complete!