We’re pleased to announce AppStudio 6.0.7 is ready. New and improved stuff includes:
- Controls: Input .value properties can now be edited with the popup editor.
- Documentation: Localization and offline Wiki updated.
- MakeEXE: Sample now executes Python snippets.
- Project Properties: New voltDomain property added.
- Samples: Volt SignOn has a new Send Email button.
- Samples: CameraToServer sample fixed.
- Samples: Libraries used by JSModeler updated. Thanks, Adrian!
- Volt: Can now be used from PhoneGap apps.
- Volt: Send Email API added.
The JSModeler sample is fun to try. Contributed by Adrian Nicolaiev, it shows how to use the JSModeler library to create 3D graphics using AppStudio. Seems like a great way to waste time over the holidays – it can even model Lego bricks!
Download the latest version from ‘Check for Updates’ under then AppStudio Help menu. It is a free upgrade for AppStudio 6 users.