We’re pleased to announce AppStudio 6.1.0 is ready. New and improved stuff includes:
- Controls: Stripe control updated – now easier to use.
- Controls: Input controls can now copy and paste to Clipboard.
- Volt: appStorage support added. Data for apps can be set by owner.
- Volt: serverStorage support added. Apps can save data on the server.
- Controls: Debugging added to Stripe control.
- Controls: Header.backgroundColor no longer gets translated.
- Dashboard: Can now examine and maintain appStorage values.
- Dashboard: Email provider can be selected in Email Plugin.
- Documentation: Wiki and internationalization files updated.
- IDE: Copyright dates set to 2017.
- Runtime: Print False now clears Print popup.
- Runtime: Print Cursor turns into pointer over close button.
- Samples: InputTwoNumbers renamed to AddingTwoNumbers.
- Samples: New Clipboard sample
- Samples: New Volt Storage sample
- Samples: Sending email added to Volt Signon sample.
- Samples: Stripe sample improved.
- Volt: Email provider can now be selected.
Watch for upcoming blog posts on some of these enhancements – there is some cool new stuff you can do.
Download the latest version from ‘Check for Updates’ under then AppStudio Help menu. It is a free upgrade for AppStudio 6 users.