We’re pleased to announce AppStudio 6.2.5 is ready.
The good news on this release is that we found a way to speed up the Design Screen. Opening large project is twice as fast, according to reports from beta testers.
The best new feature is Volt Custom Domains. Now you can use your own domain name to load your app – like https://mygreatapp.rocks!
New and improved stuff includes:
- Design Screen: Do not execute any project code – just show the HTML. Should be faster!
- Design Screen: Do not write out code.js. Should be faster!
- Controls: Add missing images to jqxDateTimeInput
- Documentation: Wiki and locale files updates.
- Deploy: Check for corrupted or encrypted SQLite database.
- Form: New HTML property.
- Form: new Xpert category for properties.
- IDE: phoneGapDebugger deprecated.
- IDE: remove ipLoc logic.
- IDE: Setting jQM theme in project without jQM caused problems.
- IDE: Tweaks to Obfuscator.
- Samples: Pushwoosh updated.
- Samples: Storage updated – checks if already logged in.
- Subscriptions: App can now be used to resubscribe.
- Subscriptions: New app to Change your Credit Card.
- Volt: Improve Storage sample.
- Volt: Custom Domain support added.
- Volt: ‘App Disabled’ handling improved.
- Volt: Theme updated.
Watch for upcoming blog posts on some of these enhancements – there is some cool new stuff you can do.
Download the latest version from ‘Check for Updates’ under then AppStudio Help menu. It is a free upgrade for AppStudio 6 users.