AppStudio 3.1.6 released!

We have just uploaded 3.1.6 to the servers. It has enhancements as well as fixes.

You can download the new version from Check for Updates under the Help menu.


  1. About Screen: Add Copy to Clipboard button on View Log screen.
  2. About Screen: Make View Log screen resizeable.
  3. Code Window: Case of Top, Left, Width and Height fixed in autocomplete.
  4. Code Window: View JavaScript screen is now resizable.
  5. Code Window: Problem with code folding and comments fixed.
  6. Controls: Do not redefine binding if it exists already.
  7. Controls: FlipToggle (jQM) can now use percentages.
  8. Controls: Line control default properties now set.
  9. Controls: Mini mode improved for CheckBox and RadioButton.
  10. Controls: NSB.MsgBox now uses FastClick.
  11. Controls: src property is now a string input, not a file picker.
  12. Controls: jqW contorls now have extended bounds properties.
  13. Controls: ‘mini’ removed from autocomplete on several controls.
  14. Controls: ontouchmove event added to Project Properties.
  15. Controls: Fix problem with design disabled controls not enabling at runtime.
  16. Design Screen: wait cursor is shown when refreshing.
  17. IDE: .html files no longer created in Samples folder.
  18. IDE: Ctrl A now selects all.
  19. IDE: Deploy location now shows on the Status Bar.
  20. IDE: If firstform is not set properly, the first form is chosen instead.
  21. Installer: On Windows, samples are now saved in Program Files.
  22. Installer: Samples work when installed by Admin, but used by another user.
  23. Project Explorer: The framework is now shown next to the control.
  24. Project Properties: New phoneGapLanguages properties sets PhoneGap languages.
  25. Runtime: Erase can now have up to 7 args.
  26. Runtime: Erase now sets array elements to 0 or “”.
  27. Runtime: FormatNumber no longer does -,500,000.00
  28. Runtime: For a = b To c Step d now works when d<0.
  29. Runtime: Possible endless loop on For/Next fixed.
  30. Samples: Add Email button to Camera sample.
  31. Samples: PhoneGapAPI updated to use latest PhoneGap specs.
  32. ToolBox: ‘mini’ is no longer on autocomplete list.
  33. Translator: a[i] Mod 256 fixed.
  34. Translator: If a then If b The c=1 Else d=1 fixed.
  35. Translator: If a=1 And b=2 And (c(1)=1 Or c(2)=1) Then… fixed.
  36. Translator: If Not a And b Then… fixed.
  37. Translator: If t>3 the MsgBox “ol”:a=1 fixed.
  38. Translator: a=”$$$$$+$$$$$+” fixed.

The complete list of changes is here.