AppStudio 4 comes with jQuery Mobile 1.4. It has over 50 icons you can use with your controls. If that’s not enough, you can add custom icons of your own.
To help you choose, there’s a handy picker that appears in most cases. The icons are:
action, arrow-d-l, arrow-d-r, arrow-d, arrow-l,
arrow-r, arrow-u-l, arrow-u-r, arrow-u, audio,
calendar, camera, carat-d, carat-l, carat-r,
carat-u, check, clock, custom, grid,
mail, eye, gear, heart, home,
info, bullets, bars, navigation, lock,
search, location, minus, forbidden, edit,
user, phone, plus, power, recycle,
forward, refresh, shop, comment, star,
tag, back, video, alert, delete.
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