NS Basic/App Studio 1.0.2 released

NS Basic/App Studio 1.0.2 is ready to download. You can download it from the same URL as before.

  1. Forms: Add new style property.
  2. Code Window: Type Ctl J to see the translated JavaScript.
  3. Controls: Grid: Add new cellstyle property
  4. Controls: Grid: reduce default padding, font size default is now 10 and populate each cell with a space.
  5. Controls: Grid: multiple grids can have different styles.
  6. Controls: TextBox: Add inputType of hidden.
  7. Samples: HTMLview’s manifest fixed so image is deployed.
  8. Samples: Added tutorial samples.
  9. Samples: GetData retrieves data from a remote site.
  10. Translator: some color constants were incorrect
  11. Translator: Msgbox “Grid(4,4)=” & Grid1.getValue(3,3)
  12. Translator: Function ComboBox1_onchange
  13. Translator: datediff(“ww”,fromdate,todate)