NS Basic/App Studio 1.1.1 is ready to download. You can download it from the same URL as before.
Some of the most important changes are:
– Improved support for international languages: check the Arabic sample.
– New sample showing how to use PhoneGap to access contacts and camera.
– Ability to get the row and column when grid clicked.
- Controls: Add image map tag to Image control.
- Controls: Grid now returns row, col on click.
- Deploy: <Doctype> changed to be HTML5 standard.
- Deploy: Blank lines in manifest no longer needed.
- Deploy: Make <body> min-height device aware.
- Docs: Technote 09 Using PhoneGap API added.
- Docs: Handbook and Language Reference updated.
- IDE: Fixed unicode in property values.
- IDE: Save always saves, regardless of dirty status.
- IDE: Added prompt for form deletion.
- IDE: Fixed selection problem in Form Editor.
- Language: New function GetLocale() added.
- Language: New function Log10() added.
- Language: VBNullString constant added.
- Samples: ComboBox shows how to get name of selected item
- Samples: PhoneGapAPI added.
- Samples: Tutorial2 and SQLSample2 fixed.
- Samples: New HelloWorldArabic
- Translator: /*….*/ treated as block comment.
- Translator: a.value=”” Or b.value=”” Or c.value=”” fixed.
- Translator: DateAdd past end of year fixed.
- Translator: Msgbox DatePart(“d”,Now) fixed.
- Translator: nStr(2,”12345″,”23″) fixed.
- Translator: REM (all by itself) fixed.
- Translator: Round(CDbl(“10”),2) fixed.
- Translator: x=5: Dim a(x) fixed.