Recently, one of our users turned on onto the jqWidgets Controls. They’re a set of powerful, good looking controls – and they work well with App Studio. The controls are free for non commercial use, $99 otherwise.
In Release 2.5, we added support for some of these controls:
- Button
- Chart
- DragDrop
- SwitchButton
- Tabs
We have included samples for these. Before you try them, however, you need to download the jqWidgets library. Download it from, unzip it and copy its ‘jqwidgets’ folder into your project folder.
There are many additional controls we have not made definition files for yet. See one you like? Let us know!
Here’s how the new controls look…
jqWidget’s buttons have some features not found in other buttons: repeating and toggle among them.

There’s a powerful charting control. It can do column, line, area, stacked area, pie, bubble and scatter charts.
jqWidgets can make any other control draggable. An event can be fired when it is dragged onto another control.
Tabs let you organize more information on the screen.
It’s a simple on/off toggle, with some nice customization features.
It’s a simple on/off toggle, but has some nice customization features.