AppStudio released!

AppStudio has been released. It has a number of enhancements and fixes.

  1. Code Window: fix false negative syntax error on “Finally”
  2. Code Window: Problem with code folding fixed. (Thanks, Helen!)
  3. Controls: AdSense no longer affects subsequent controls.
  4. Controls: Double quotes are now allowed on jQM Buttons.
  5. Controls: Images can now be placed on jQM Buttons.
  6. Deploy: Build Status screen can now show the status of PhoneGap’s servers.
  7. Deploy: chromeIcon project property is now 192×192: Google updated their docs. If you are using this feature, you need to update the icon to the new size. This allows full screen Android apps if you are using Chome 31 or higher.
  8. Find Window: Type through problem fixed.
  9. IDE: Forms losing their order fixed. (Thanks, Jimmy!)
  10. IDE: Several new languages added as well as new material for existing ones.
  11. Libraries: Metro theme deprecated. Developer was not keeping up to date with JQM.
  12. Runtime: browserWarningMessage is now a function you can replace in your code.
  13. Runtime: If you have a Sub browserWarningMessageAfterScript(), it will be called after browserwarning is displayed.
  14. Runtime: Messages.js moved into nsb
  15. Runtime: Revert change to width calculation on NSB.MsgBox on some Samsung devices.
  16. Samples: Google Maps and Twitter updated to use their latest APIs.

The complete list of changes is here.