New, Improved Native Build Status

AppStudio lets you make native apps using PhoneGap Build (PGB) quickly and easily. PGB is a web service which compiles your web app into a native app and lets you download it, usually within 30 seconds. It’s much easier than downloading the whole PhoneGap toolchain to do this locally.

In AppStudio 5, we made a number of improvements to this process.


  • The Native Build Status screen opens automatically after you submit your app.
  • It refreshes every 3 seconds with the latest build status.
  • Links have been added to more information on building your app.
  • A busy indicator has been added to show it is working.
  • The status message for iOS has a link to the documentation on making iOS apps. Before it can build successfully, certificate information needs to be entered into your PhoneGap Build account on the PGP website.

Bonus Tip: An easy way to test on Android

  1. Install Google Drive on your computer and Android device.
  2. When build is complete, click on the Download Link in Native Build Status.
  3. Save it to Google Drive on the desktop.
  4. In a few seconds, you will be able to open the apk file in Google Drive on the device.
  5. App will install and run!