AppStudio 7.4.1 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 7.4.1 has been released.

The biggest change is that the Samples now use Bootstrap 4 controls instead of jQuery Mobile. As mentioned before, it’s been 5 years since jQuery Mobile has been updated. If you’re still using it in your projects, please consider updating.

Here’s what is new and fixed in the new release:

  1. BS4 Navs: Fix what happens when clicked
  2. BS4: Input and Textarea can also be set using .value
  3. BS4: Textarea sizes to actual size of control
  4. BS4: Radiobutton: Inputmode property not needed
  5. BS4: Checkbox gives better message when index is out of range
  6. Deploy: Electron 5 is now supported
  7. Installer: Restore registry settings for Internet Explorer
  8. jqWidgets Grid: Clean up usage of ready property (was causing errors)
  9. jqWidgets: New jqWidgetsLicence property
  10. PWA: Some versions of IE do not support Let
  11. PWA: Allow for blank icon name
  12. PWA: Don’t put double quotes in the description
  13. PWA: Phase out some of the logging
  14. Run menu: Fix Run Electron menu item
  15. Samples: Use Bootstrap 4 controls instead of jQuery Mobile
  16. Samples: Compass now handles multiple ondeviceorientation events
  17. Samples: Fix old bug in GridNorthwind which caused error on split()
  18. Samples: GridWithScrolling did not have BASIC version
  19. Samples: jqWidgets Grid sample did not have JavaScript version
  20. Samples: New WebShare sample
  21. Wiki: Use JavaScript/BASIC tabbed control to show sample code more clearly.
  22. Wiki: Update offline edition

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