AppStudio 8.5.2 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 8.5.2 has been released.

It resolves a few issues with 8.5. Plus, Volt is now called VoltServer, which should be less confusing now that VoltBuilder and VoltSigner are real products.

One thing to look out for: there are changes to how SQLite works in native apps. Read "Breaking Changes" below.

Here is what is new and changed in 8.5.2:

  1. SQLite: Does not execute SqlImport until initialization is complete.
  2. SQLite: If a Cordova SQLite plugin is specified in config.xml, it will override the native WebSQL. (possible breaking change!)
  3. VoltServer: Deploy without an account disabled in demo.
  4. VoltServer: Volt and Volt server are now called VoltServer
  5. Demo: Period shortened to 10 days due to abuse.
  6. IDE: Node updated to version 14.16.

Breaking change : When running as a native app, the Cordova library is used instead of the browser's. That means the database data will be saved in the file system and not in the browser's sandbox. Please check where your app is saving the data: you may have to consider a migration strategy if you are affected. Please contact if you need help. The need for this changed comes from Safari changing support for WebSQL. This does NOT affect web apps.

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

AppStudio 8.5 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 8.5.0 has been released.

The major change is that AppStudio is now using the latest wxWidgets library for its UI. The whole environment looks subtly better.

There are also tons of minor improvements, updates and fixes.

One thing to look out for: there are changes to how SQLite works in native apps. Read "Breaking Changes" below.

Here is what is new and changed in 8.5:

  1. IDE: wxPython updated to 4.1.1. Uses wxWidgets 3.1. Tons of fixes and minor improvements, and it just looks better.
  2. BS4: Updated to 4.6
  3. BS4: Bootswatch themes updated to 4.6
  4. BS4: Input) password now has option to toggle plain text on or off.
  5. BS4: Navs) – fix .clear() and .addItem() functions
  6. BS4: Slider) – Add .hide() and .show() functions
  7. Code Window: Improve function list to catch more JavaScript function formats.
  8. Code Window: Improved function name find.
  9. IDE: MacOS: control keys for copy and paste work in dialog windows.
  10. Demo: Do not allow Cordova Build.
  11. Deploy: Allow wasm files to be deployed.
  12. Deploy: Some redundant code eliminated – may be quicker
  13. Design Screen: Change "Add Component" to "Add Control".
  14. Electron: Spaces are not allowed in Title
  15. Electron: Updated to 9.4.0. (electron-builder and npm also updated)
  16. IDE: Copyright is now 2021
  17. IDE: MacOS: control keys for copy and paste work in dialog windows.
  18. Installer: Windows signing certificate renewed.
  19. Navigo: Updated to 8.4.3. Used by BrowserArrows (see sample)
  20. Project Properties: Remove androidDname – replaced by VoltSigner
  21. Project Properties: Signing filenames default to VoltSigner's values.
  22. Run Menu: Add "Get Signing Certificate with VoltSigner" .
  23. Run Menu: Change "Volt" to "Volt Server".
  24. Samples: Change PhoneGap references to VoltBuilder.
  25. Samples: Volt Services is now called VoltServer.
  26. Samples: SQLSample1 updated.
  27. Samples: Some samples would not open due to a PWA_manifest problem.
  28. SQLite: SqlOpenDatabase now takes only 1 argument.
  29. SQLite: When running as a native app, the Cordova library is used instead of the browser's.
  30. VoltBuilder: Default key names to be same as VoltSigner defaults.
  31. VoltBuilder: Remove reference to xmlns:gap in default config.xml
  32. VoltBuilder/Cordova: Main() is now called on deviceready event.
  33. VoltSigner: added to Run menu.

Breaking change : When running as a native app, the Cordova library is used instead of the browser's. That means the database data will be saved in the file system and not in the browser's sandbox. Please check where your app is saving the data: you may have to consider a migration strategy if you are affected. Please contact if you need help. The need for this changed comes from Safari changing support for WebSQL. This does NOT affect web apps.

You can download the new release from within AppStudio or from our site.

AppStudio 8.4.2 released

We’re pleased to announce that 8.4.2 has been released.

The most important change is the addition of the Certificate Wizard. Part of VoltBuilder, it lets you create your Android and iOS certificates easily.

With the addition of the Certificate Wizard, AppStudio developers no longer need a Mac to create iOS applications.

Here is what is new and changed in 8.4.2:

  1. Certificate Wizard: Make Android and iOS certificates easily.
  2. BootStrap Input: minlength added as a property.
  3. Common Grid: addCols() wasn’t setting cell ids properly.
  4. Installer: Updated to the latest pyInstaller
  5. Obfuscator: Updated to the latest version. stringArrayEncoding is now an array.
  6. Samples: Update button on JavaScript NorthWind sample fixed.
  7. Windows Installer: Fixed a problem with the certicate

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…” or visit our Downloads page.

Important: If you’re using VoltBuilder, please update to 8.4.2. Builds using AppStudio 8.3 will no longer work.

AppStudio 8.4.1 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 8.4.1 has been released.

There are a few new features. Uploads to VoltBuilder from AppStudio are now significantly smaller, making more apps eligible for the Free VoltBuilder plan. VoltBuilder can now upload your app to the Android and iOS app stores as part of the build. There are also some minor, but very useful changes.

Here is what is new and changed in 8.4.1:

  1. VoltBuilder: Only generates images for platform being built.
  2. VoltBuilder: Add properties for upload to Google Play Store.
  3. VoltBuilder: Add properties for upload to iTunes App Store.
  4. VoltBuilder: Add prompt before submitting build.
  5. Deploy: Add confirm prompt to FTP/SFTP Deploy.
  6. Runtime: Defer execution of SQLImport until after load completes.
  7. Deploy: Content Security Policy is now output for all jobs.
  8. Project Properties: Content Security Policy moved from VoltBuilder to General.

Items 2 and 3 are interesting. These get rid of a few steps posting builds to the app stores, a feature PhoneGap never had. More significantly, you can build and upload from a Windows box – no Mac is required for this step.

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…” or visit our Downloads page.

Important: If you’re using VoltBuilder, please update to 8.4.1 Builds using AppStudio 8.3 will not work after October 25, 2020.

AppStudio 8.4: VoltBuilder Pricing

AppStudio 8.4 is about to be released. Since VoltBuilder is a build service operated separately from AppStudio, it is an additional cost. It has real variable costs, beyond just development. There is bandwidth, hosting, backup, support, 24/7 monitoring, and keeping all the software components up to date and working with each other.

Discounts are available for AppStudio users.

Here are the full details.

AppStudio 8.4 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 8.4.0 has been released.

The major change is that AppStudio is now hooked into the VoltBuilder billing system. If you use VoltBuilder (or used to use PhoneGap), you’ll need to decide which plan works for you.

VoltBuilder is a build service operated separately from AppStudio, so it is an additional cost. It has real variable costs, beyond just development. There is bandwidth, hosting, backup, support, 24/7 monitoring, and keeping all the software components up to date and working with each other.

Discounts are available for AppStudio users.

The second big change is that AppStudio can now upload your builds to the iTunes App Store, via VoltBuilder.

Here is what is new and changed in 8.4:

1. VoltBuilder now uploads to the Apple Store after building.
2. Build using VoltBuilder now hooked into VoltBuilder billing.
3. Preferences: VoltBuilder panel now accepts API Credentials.
4. Preferences: Links changed to buttons to fix MacOS issue.
5. About: New Deregister button removes serial number from copy.
6. References to PhoneGap removed.
7. BS4, BS3: Text alignment now works properly.
8. Bootstrap: Updated to 4.5.3.
9. DataTables: Updated to latest version (different modules).
10. Libraries: Upgraded to Python 3.8.
11. DropDMG: Updated to 3.6

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…” or visit our Downloads page.

Important: If you’re using VoltBuilder, please update to 8.4. Builds using AppStudio 8.3 will not work after October 25, 2020.

New AppStudio Tutorials on YouTube

Jon Jackson is a senior lecturer at Buckinghamshire New University and University of Surrey. For his courses, he developed a great set of YouTube videos.

There are 18 videos, anywhere from 6 to 15 minutes long. He uses AppStudio with JavaScript and Bootstrap. Topics range from Setting Up to Building a Simple Form to using Maps in Mobile Apps.

Working code is available in a GitHub repo.

It’s a great way to get started with AppStudio (and mobile app development in general) or to learn how to do new things.

Check out the YouTube playlist.

AppStudio 8.3 Released!

We’re pleased to announce that 8.3.0 has been released.

The big news is that VoltBuilder, our replacement for PhoneGap Build, is complete. You no longer have to use PhoneGap to make native iOS and Android apps. PhoneGap itself has been discontinued by Adobe – all references to it have been removed from AppStudio.

Right now, all your need is a valid AppStudio serial number and current subscription to submit your apps. We will be hooking AppStudio into VoltBuilder’s billing system in the near future.

Here is what is new and changed in 8.3:

1. PhoneGap Build: All references removed. PhoneGap has been discontinued by Adobe.
2. VoltBuilder has replaced PhoneGap Build in AppStudio.
3. VoltBuilder: work files removed after upload
4. VoltBuilder: name of downloaded file uses project name.
5. VoltBuilder Status: Now works like PhoneGap Status used to.
6. VoltBuilder: Proper token now sent on submit.
7. VoltBuilder: Use VoltBuilder API when submitting jobs.
8. VoltBuilder: recover gracefully from bad data in config.xml.
9. jqWidgets: Set theme properly on jqxPhotoGallery.
10. Samples: All PhoneGap samples now reference Cordova and have been renamed.

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…” or visit our Downloads page.

AppStudio 8.2.1 Released!

We’re pleased to announce that 8.2.1 has been released.

It has some tweaks to the VoltBuilder interface.

It also has the latest versions of Bootstrap 4 (now 4.5.1), Bootstrap Themes and DataTables.

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…” or visit our Downloads page.

AppStudio 8.2 Released!

We’re pleased to announce that 8.2.0 has been released.

The big news is that VoltBuilder, our replacement for PhoneGap Build, is complete. You no longer have to use PhoneGap to make native iOS and Android apps. PhoneGap will be removed in an upcoming build.

We’ve made changes to the VoltBuilder server, so AppStudio 8.1 is no longer able to use VoltBuilder.

More importantly, you can now create apps which are fully compliant with Apple’s new app store requirements.

Right now, all your need is a valid AppStudio serial number and current subscription to submit your apps.

To install on MacOS Catalina, you may need to right click on the .dmg file. Apple has just increased the security requirements for apps, and one of the libraries we (and millions of others) use has not been updated to this standard yet.

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…” or visit our Downloads page..