AppStudio 7.4.2 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 7.4.2 has been released.

Late on July 29th, PhoneGap Build announced that version cli-9.0.0 is available. This is good news: As of August 1, the Google Play Store will require that all new apps are built using cli-9.0.0. Existing apps have till Nov 1, 2019.

This release updates AppStudio to handle the changes to PhoneGap Build. See this blog post for more info:

Here’s what is new and fixed in the new release:

  1. PhoneGap: If phoneGapVersion not specified, defaults to cli-9.0.0
  2. PhoneGap Samples: All samples are now compatible with cli-9.0.0

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…”

AppStudio 7.4.1 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 7.4.1 has been released.

The biggest change is that the Samples now use Bootstrap 4 controls instead of jQuery Mobile. As mentioned before, it’s been 5 years since jQuery Mobile has been updated. If you’re still using it in your projects, please consider updating.

Here’s what is new and fixed in the new release:

  1. BS4 Navs: Fix what happens when clicked
  2. BS4: Input and Textarea can also be set using .value
  3. BS4: Textarea sizes to actual size of control
  4. BS4: Radiobutton: Inputmode property not needed
  5. BS4: Checkbox gives better message when index is out of range
  6. Deploy: Electron 5 is now supported
  7. Installer: Restore registry settings for Internet Explorer
  8. jqWidgets Grid: Clean up usage of ready property (was causing errors)
  9. jqWidgets: New jqWidgetsLicence property
  10. PWA: Some versions of IE do not support Let
  11. PWA: Allow for blank icon name
  12. PWA: Don’t put double quotes in the description
  13. PWA: Phase out some of the logging
  14. Run menu: Fix Run Electron menu item
  15. Samples: Use Bootstrap 4 controls instead of jQuery Mobile
  16. Samples: Compass now handles multiple ondeviceorientation events
  17. Samples: Fix old bug in GridNorthwind which caused error on split()
  18. Samples: GridWithScrolling did not have BASIC version
  19. Samples: jqWidgets Grid sample did not have JavaScript version
  20. Samples: New WebShare sample
  21. Wiki: Use JavaScript/BASIC tabbed control to show sample code more clearly.
  22. Wiki: Update offline edition

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…”

AppStudio and jqWidgets

We’re happy to announce a partnership agreement with jqWidgets. It’s in the form of additional documentation, extra support and discounts for using one product with the other.

jqWidgets Ltd. provides controls for building professional web sites and mobile apps. It is built entirely on open standards and technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. jQWidgets enables responsive web development and helps you create apps and websites that look beautiful on desktops, tablets and smart phones.

These controls work well with AppStudio. More that 2 dozen of them are built into AppStudio’s ToolBox.

The two companies have a similar approach to looking after their customers. Quick support on web boards, near instant bug fixes and regular new releases. The initial release of each product was at about the same time: 2011 and 2010, with major updates every year or so.

Both products are constantly updated to the latest web standards, so you will be able to keep your apps up to date.

For more information, see

As part of the agreement, AppStudio users can get jqWidgets licenses for 20% off. Contact

2019 Contest Results!

We’re pleased to announce the results of our 2019 programming contest.

We had three categories: Business, Non Commercial and Education. All registered NSB/AppStudio users were welcome to participate in the contest. Prizes were $100 USD in each category.

Judging was by NSB’s experts. All judging was arbitrary and final. We looked for quality, performance, ease of use, sophistication and overall coolness. Apps could be anything: Enterprise, business, commercial, education, games or even something whimsical.

All programs had to be created using NSB/AppStudio. Entries could be commercial, shareware or freeware, and for iPhone, iPad, Android or multiple platforms. Code could be written in JavaScript or Basic, HTML5 and css.

Without further ado, here are our winners: (full results are here)

Continue reading “2019 Contest Results!”

AppStudio 7.4 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 7.4.0 has been released.

The biggest new feature is that AppStudio now produces Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). This is a new standard for saving web apps so they can run offline and as standalone apps. Here’s an article with more details.

Here’s what is new and fixed in the new release:

  1. PWA: Progressive Web App caching replaces Application Cache
  2. PWA: New manifest.json property
  3. BS4: Add link to Bootstrap 4 Theme Customizer: Bootstrap.Build
  4. BS4: Card display options now shown for text fields
  5. BS4: Card Footer can now be styled
  6. BS4: Datatable: recover gracefully if no value for lengthMenu
  7. BS4: Hamburger has a title when you hover over icon
  8. BS4: Select was emitting an extra character
  9. Deploy: Babel option removed.
  10. Deploy: Google Lighthouse now supported.
  11. Deploy: MakeEXE stuff removed – replaced by Electron
  12. Deploy: old Application Cache removed
  13. jQM: Error in List control fixed.
  14. Project: MakeExe properties removed (obsolete)
  15. Project: Properties removed: newVersionWarning, iconAndroid, exeicon, manifestFile, ManifestName

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…”

AppStudio 7.3.3 Released!

We’re pleased to announce that 7.3.3 has been released.

This release has new features and bug fixes.

Google has a newish tool called Lighthouse. You can run it in the Chrome Developer Tools, in the Audits tab. It checks your app for a number of good practices. This build has a number of features to improve your score.

Here’s what is new and fixed in the new release:

  1. Controls: Allow multiple GoogleMaps in one project
  2. Deploy: png files were sometimes being translated to .js.
  3. Electron: Fix already declared variable.
  4. Installer: Installer enhanced for new MacOS requirements
  5. Project Properties: manifest has been renamed extraFiles. It still works the same way.
  6. PWA: infrastructure roughed in – not usable yet
  7. Runtime: Add HTML lang attribute (For Lighthouse)
  8. Runtime: Add meta description and theme-color (for Lighthouse)
  9. Runtime: Fix error in SQLite error handling
  10. Runtime: Improvements for Google Lighthouse audit
  11. Samples: Add BASIC library to some samples which need it.
  12. Samples: New PhoneGapZebraPrint sample, showing Bluetooth printing.
  13. Samples: PhotoGallery updated

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…”

AppStudio 7.3.2 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 7.3.2 has been released.

This release has new features and housekeeping. A few bugs have been squashed, links updated and the offline Wiki has been improved.

Web Assembly modules are now supported. Just drag and drop them into the Project Explorer and they will be deployed with your app.

Here’s what is new and fixed in the new release:

  1. IDE: Web Assembly modules now supported.
  2. BS4: datalist property added to Input control.
  3. BS4: inputmode property added to Input and Textarea controls.
  4. BS4: Dropdown and Hamburger: items can now be disabled, active or a heading.
  5. BS4: Input now allows quote characters in placeholder property.
  6. Deploy: .wasm files dragged into the Project Explorer will be properly deployed.
  7. Documentation: Wiki updated.
  8. IDE: Allow unicode characters in css files added to the project.
  9. IDE: Link to icon/splashscreen utility updated – old provider ceased operations.
  10. Libraries: The BASIC functions library can be added to JavaScript apps.
  11. avaScript: The format() function is usable without needing BASIC.
  12. Register: Correct server path

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…”

2019 Programming Contest

Our sixth NSB/AppStudio Programming Contest is underway! We’re looking forward to cool entries which take advantage of the capabilities of devices, desktops and AppStudio.

We have three categories:

  • Business – apps for business, government or non profit organizations
  • Fun – Games, hobbies, entertainment or whimsical creations.
  • Education – Apps written by students or teachers (or for them to use)

All registered AppStudio users are welcome to participate. Prizes are $100 USD in each category.
You may enter more than one program. Judging will be by our experts. All judging is arbitrary and final. We will be looking for quality, performance, ease of use, sophistication and overall coolness. Apps can be whatever you like: Enterprise, business, commercial, education, games or even something whimsical.

All programs must be written using NSB/AppStudio. Entries may be commercial, shareware or freeware, and for iPhone, iPad, Android, the desktop or multiple platforms. Please indicate with your entry whether we can share your program or screenshots with the public.

NSB/AppStudio is an easy to use tool for creating iOS, Android and Desktop apps. Use the Design Screen to layout your app, then add code in JavaScript or BASIC. AppStudio runs on Mac and Windows computers. Apps can be distributed directly or through app stores.

Send your questions and entries to

The deadline for entries has been is Monday, May 6, 2019 at 12:00 midnite EST.

Have fun!

AppStudio 7.3.1 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 7.3.1 has been released.

This release is mostly housekeeping. A few bugs have been squashed, links updated and the offline Wiki has been improved.

Projects which are JavaScript only will be a bit smaller – we’ve moved the BASIC-specific functions to a separate module which isn’t loaded if it isn’t needed.

Here’s what is new and fixed in the new release:

  1. BS4: Alert: Allow multiline value
  2. BS4: Label.text can be used – same as Label.value.
  3. BS4: Select control: value of 0 now works properly.
  4. BS4: Warning if mixed BS3 or jQM controls when control added.
  5. Deploy: Pure JavaScript apps no longer include BASIC functions (smaller deploy)
  6. Deploy: hfunc.js split into appstudioFunctions.js and basicFunctions.js
  7. IDE: Change company branding
  8. IDE: Change links to
  9. IDE: Save As with manifest file set to “nocache” fixed.
  10. IDE: Update slogan
  11. Installer: Better method of loading tkinter.
  12. jQM: jqmList now includes fastclick.js in the project.
  13. Register: Improve “need to update” message.
  14. Samples: ElectronWeather updated.
  15. Samples: Improve button appearance in Datatables sample.
  16. Toolbox: Some autocomplete hints fixed.
  17. Wiki: Offline wiki updated with latest docs
  18. Wiki: Offline search fixed.

The easiest way to get the update is on the Help menu – “Check for Updates…”

Our website is now!

The use of “nsbasic” in our web site’s name has become more and more inaccurate. Most of our new users aren’t here because they program in BASIC. They’re here to get an easy to use development tool which uses modern technologies and JavaScript.

When new domains ending in “.dev” were announced, we jumped on it. The website is now, reflecting what the product is today.

Nothing else has changed. It’s the same team, the same product and support.

We still support BASIC. It continues to be an important language, both for people just starting out with programming and for people who learned to program years ago. It’s always been a comfortable language that lets you get things done. We continue to respect it.

The name changes are all aliased – there’s no need to change your bookmarks. The old links will continue to work as the always have.